March 25, 2021
Dialogues on Decolonization for International Education: Part Three
In this session, we will address the complexities of the processes of Indigenization and internationalization of education, and their interfaces, reflecting on our own research and practice, including our work as part of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective, the Critical Internationalization Studies Network, and our collaborations with Indigenous communities in Canada, Brazil, and Peru.
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March 10, 2021
Dialogues on Decolonization for International Education: Part Two
This session will start by centering the values and principles that are inherent within an Indigenous framework but not necessarily exclusive to Indigenous people. Participants will be invited to consider the application of Indigenous people’s ways of being and doing from their respective principles and traditions.
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March 4, 2021
Dialogues on Decolonization for International Education: Part One
Elder Larry Grant from Musqueam First Nations will do the traditional opening for this series and share Musqueam teachings and protocols prior to contact with Europeans on relating to other Nations.
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February 4, 2021
South Africa's and Mauritius's Education Sectors Today – IE Market Updates, Trends, and Developments
Join the trade commissioner from the High Commission of Canada to South Africa and Mauritius responsible for international education, to learn about contemporary market intelligence, key data, trends, developments, opportunities, and analysis on the issues currently impacting the South African and Mauritian education sectors.
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January 28, 2021
In conversation with France, Italy, and Spain's Trade Commissioners
Join us for a conversation with Trade Commissioners from the Embassies of Canada to France, Italy, and Spain responsible for international education.
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January 20, 2021
New Partnership Opportunities Throughout Southeast Asia: Collaborating with the SEAMEO Centre Network
The objective of this session is to introduce SEAMEO and the opportunities within the network of SEAMEO training centres to BC’s international education sector towards forging productive and sustainable international partnerships. The opportunities are substantial within the region and we look forward to helping forge these collaborations.
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December 10, 2020
Understanding Climate Action in International Education - Part Two
In this discussion forum, a follow-up to the Learning Forum, we will begin to ask some of the hard questions and focus on problem-solving. We will discuss some tangible solutions, along with the barriers many action-takers face at an institution where an international department is expected to deliver revenues and diversification without accountability for building more sustainable and climate action-oriented partnerships and plans.
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December 3, 2020
Understanding Climate Action in International Education - Part One
This learning forum provides an opportunity to develop an understanding of the fundamentals of the impact of climate change and how it intersects with the work we do as international educators in British Columbia and across Canada.
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