University of the Fraser Valley Students Broaden their Horizons with UMAP

The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) is one of the many institutions in Canada signed up to UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific), a consortium that promotes student exchanges among more than 220 active colleges and universities in 25 countries/territories in Asia and the Pacific Rim.

Since 2021, UFV’s involvement in UMAP has offered students the opportunity to engage in cross-cultural academic experiences, and gain valuable global perspectives through two main tracks: UMAP Program A/B and UMAP Program C.

Program A/B provides opportunities for full academic year or semester-long exchanges at UMAP member institutions, allowing students to immerse themselves fully in the academic and cultural life of the host university. Program C focuses on summer exchange programs, offering shorter-term engagements that provide students with intensive, focused experiences in diverse cultural and academic settings

In the Spring 2024 semester, two UFV students had the opportunity to broaden their academic and cultural horizons by participating in exchange programs at institutions abroad. One student spent the semester at Tunghai University in Taiwan, while another had the opportunity to live and study at Universidad de Monterrey in Mexico. The summer semester saw four UFV students take advantage of UMAP Program C at Universitas Airlangga in Indonesia, Toyo University in Japan, Universiti Teknologi Brunei in Brunei, and FPT University in Vietnam.

UFV has also recently announced that through UMAP connections, they’re expecting three ASEAN SEED scholarship recipients: two from the National University of Laos, Laos, and one from BINUS, Indonesia.

“In 2021, the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) signed the UMAP Pledge of Agreement, marking a significant milestone in the development of its Study Abroad program. Since then, UMAP’s diverse program offerings have been instrumental in enhancing the academic experiences of UFV students. These international opportunities not only contribute to students’ academic development but also promote profound personal growth, cultural competence, and global awareness, ultimately enriching their overall academic journeys,” says Walter Foreman, Associate Director, International Relations at the University of the Fraser Valley

To find out more about UMAP and how your institution can get involved, please visit the UMAP page.