BC’s Finest International Education Practitioners Honoured at 2024 BCCIE International Education Awards

Vancouver, BC The 15th annual BCCIE International Education Awards took place last night, with honourees embodying a cross-section of BC’s vibrant international education sector. Hosted by the BC Council for International Education (BCCIE), these awards recognize outstanding achievement in the field of international education in British Columbia.

The winners encompassed a diverse range of practitioners, from emerging to senior leaders, whose contributions have positioned BC at the forefront of attracting and supporting international students and delivering groundbreaking global partnerships.

The awards ceremony coincides with BCCIE’s BC International Education Week in Vancouver BC, which has brought together more than 450 educators, administrators, and diplomatic figures from across BC, Canada, and the world.

2024 BCCIE International Education Awards winners:

Rising Star in International Education Award

Jesse Yang, Manager, International Student Recruitment at Capilano University, was recognized for his work in spearheading transformative changes in Capilano’s internal operations, significantly enhancing the lives of countless students. Jesse’s impact extends beyond operational efficiency; it resonates in the lives of students whose experiences are enriched by his initiatives. His commitment to innovation and empathy sets a standard for excellence within the international education sector.

Outstanding Program in International Education Award

Global Pathways at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus (UBC-O) was honoured for its excellence in delivering a holistic approach to international student support, designed to enhance students’ post-graduation success. Established in 2023, Global Pathways has already served over 1,000 international students in planning for their career and immigration success. By promoting intercultural exchange, understanding, and collaboration, Global Pathways contributes to a more diverse and inclusive campus environment, enhancing the overall educational experience for all students.

Excellence in International Education Marketing Award

Thompson Rivers University’s TRU World International Marketing and Recruitment Team has been honoured for their work in international student recruitment. They’ve demonstrated exceptional dedication to building a diverse and inclusive international student community, welcoming over 4,200 students from more than 100 countries and regions. Their innovative strategies and commitment to responsible, sustainable, and student-centred recruiting have set a new standard in the field. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, including a robust presence on social media platforms, they have effectively reached and engaged potential students worldwide. This digital engagement, combined with fostering strong global partnerships, has significantly contributed to their international student community’s academic and personal success. Ziping Feng, Director, International Marketing and Recruitment, accepted the award on behalf of the school.

International Education Distinguished Leadership Award

Mark Herringer, Executive Director, International Education, Office of Global Engagement at North Island College was honoured for his work in developing and implementing the Indigenizing internationalization plan, Journeying Together, and various global engagement initiatives. Mark was the inaugural chair of the BC Heads of International group, a networking group that brings together Senior International Officers of Public Colleges, Teaching Universities, and other institutions to collaborate on needs and issues in the sector. Mark has contributed to the sector in a multitude of ways. He has participated in leadership roles in provincial and national associations, and he regularly shares knowledge through various international education conferences and forums. In 2023, Mark and his colleagues were recognized with the CICan Excellence in Global Education (Bronze) and the CBIE Award of Excellence in Reconciliation and Internationalization. His steadfast leadership has had a lasting effect on Canada’s international education sector over the last 30 years.

International Education Lifetime Achievement Award

Paul Yuen and Cathy Lee were honoured for their work at Bodwell High School. They co-founded the school in 1991, and Bodwell alumni now total over 7,000 around the world. Mr. Yuen has inspired development and innovation in business, information technology, boarding, English language learning and recruitment teams in the school. Ms. Lee has shown great leadership in admissions, academics, IB Middle-Years-Program curriculum, and countless other initiatives. Together, they have made a permanent impact on international education in BC.


Randall Martin, Executive Director, BC Council for International Education

“This year we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the BCCIE International Education Awards. We are delighted to recognize the groundbreaking work of this year’s winners, who continue to move the markers of what is achievable in the international education sector in BC, Canada, and across the world.”