BCAAT Report: BC Transfer Students: Profile and Performance

BCCAT is pleased to announce the publication of a new report highlighting the pathways and performance of students who transferred credits from BC Transfer System institutions to nine BC public universities during the period 2018/19 to 2022/23 academic years.

BCCAT has conducted similar studies on BC transfer student profile and performance for nearly 30 years. These studies compare BC transfer students’ profile and performance with the demographics and performance of students who entered the universities directly from a BC high school. The results of the current research support many findings of the previous similar studies and also uncover trends that were specific to the latest reporting period, part of which coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings:

  • BC transfer students constituted 29% of all students admitted in a year at participating BC public universities.
  • BC transfer students carried an average of 46 credits (equivalent to 1.5 years of full time study).
  • After completion of 15 credits at the receiving institutions, BC transfer students had higher average GPA than those of BC direct entry students at all receiving institutions.

The report and infographic are available on the BCCAT website.

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