BCCIE is overseen by an 11-member Board of Directors who ensure our operations reflect our mandate, direction and the interests of all stakeholders.

Our Board reflects BC’s diverse international education sector, with representatives from public and private post-secondary universities and colleges, public and private K-12 schools, private English language and career training institutions, and the Government of British Columbia.  

Name and Title Organization Board Positions and Committees

Geoff Payne

President & Vice Chancellor

University of Northern British Columbia

(Representing RUCBC)

Board Chair

Finance and HR Committee
Governance Committee

Feroz Ali


Asia Pacific Education

(Representing EQA designated institutions)

Board Director

Chair of the Governance Committee

Shawn Chisholm

Executive Director

Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia (FISA)

(Representing FISA)

Board Director

Chair of Finance and HR Committee

Paul Dangerfield

President & Vice Chancellor

Capilano University

(Representing BCAIU)

Board Vice Chair

Governance Committee

Jason Dewling

President, Western Canada and Asia Pacific

LCI Education Network

(Representing PDGIA)

Board Director

Patricia Gartland

CEO/Superintendent of Schools

School District No. 43 (Coquitlam)

(Representing BC School Superintendents)

Board Director

Finance and HR Committee

Cloe Nicholls

Assistant Deputy Minister

Ministry of Education and Child Care

Board Director

Ajay Patel


Vancouver Community College

(Representing BC Colleges)

Board Director
Finance and HR Committee

Kerry Pridmore

Assistant Deputy Minister

Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation

Board Director

Governance Committee

Chris Rathbone

Assistant Deputy Minister

Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

Board Director

Jay Yule


School District No. 74 (Powell River)

(Representing BC School Superintendents)

Board Director